Translate the following sentences, treating the verb + object cluster as a unit and finding an equivalent idiomatic unit of meaning in the target language.
Example: Este cuadro idílico había sufrido una alteración. = That idyllic picture had undergone a change.
1. Los peligros por los que habían pasado impelieron a los romanos a construir templos.
The risks that had happened impelled the Romans to built temples.
2. La educación de la mente quedaba confiada a la familia.
The education of the mind was responsability of the family.
3. Esta extraña costumbre generó una serie de confusiones.
This strange custom caused some doubts.
· 4. Se les enseñaba que en el hogar la llama no debe extinguirse nunca.
T It taught them that at home the light never should not go out.
5. No se deben proferir improperios en este foro solemne.
It must not say insults in this solemn forum.
In the following excerpts from speeches, identify any clauses that can stand on their own. Then, translate each passage, placing the independent clauses in different positions in the sentence.
1. La perspectiva de multiplicación de tribunales ad hoc, con los consiguientes problemas que ello puede aparejar en cuanto a certeza jurídica, estabilidad, falta de uniformidad en el derecho aplicable, distinta jurisprudencia, e incremento de costos, sumado a la necesidad de dar una adecuada respuesta a problemas que crean situaciones de particular tensión internacional, despertaron la reacción de la opinión pública, otorgando al tema que hoy nos ocupa, renovada vigencia. (Statement by representative of Uruguay)
With the consequent problems that this can affect the prospect of multiplication of ad hoc tribunals, in terms of legal certainty, stability, lack of uniformity
in the applicable law, different jurisprudence, and increased costs, added to the need to provide a Adequate response to problems that create situations of particular international tension, aroused the reaction of public opinion, giving the issue that concerns us today, renewed validity. (Statement by representative of Uruguay)
2. Since it will to some extent involve a renunciation of sovereign rights, every state must of necessity proceed with caution and circumspection, subjecting its far-reaching provisions to an exacting scrutiny before jettisoning to some extent existing arrangements and procedures as to interstate cooperation and mutual assistance in this field and venturing on uncharted seas. (Statement by representative of Sri Lanka).
Cada estado debe necesariamente proceder con cautela y circunspección, ya que hasta cierto punto implicará una renuncia de los derechos soberanos,sometiendo sus disposiciones de largo alcance a un escrutinio riguroso antes de desechar en cierta medida los acuerdos y procedimientos existentes en materia de cooperación interestatal y asistencia mutua. en este
campo y aventurarse en mares inexplorados. (Declaración del representante de Sri Lanka).
(a) How many different ways can you think of to translate the following Spanish expressions?:
- la convivencia: coexistence, living together, cohabitation, social harmony
- confianza: confidence, faith, trust
- la concertación: agreement, pact, negocitation
- estar acosado por: being harassed by, being intimidated by
- estrepitosamente: spectacularly, noisily.
(b) Form a sentence with each expression above and then try to translate it by using different parts of speech, or figures of speech.
1.- The coexistence between them were good..
2.- Living together at the same house is really hard.
3.- The lawyer give us a certificate of cohabitation.
4.- It is important for kinds to learn social harmony at school.
1.- I have confidence in my friends.
2.- She has faith in her future.
3.- This institution does not have trust on your workers.
1.- Yesterday it finished the agreement with the groups.
2.- They did a good pact.
3.- That factory did a negotiation of salaly with its workers.
1.- The actress is being harassed by the paparazzi.
2.- The employed is being intimidated by the boss.
1.- She failed
spectacularly when she had victory in her grasp.
2.- He dropped the tray noisily.
(c) Form a sentence with each expression above and then try to translate it by a paraphrase.
1.- The coexistence is very important to live well in different contexts.
2.- All the people need to feel confidence.
3.- Suggest agreements at work is important.
4.- It sometimes is good to be intimidated.
5.- The stock exchange fell spectacularly in the European market.
Make a list of 10 of the most “untranslatable” words or expressions you have heard or read, and try to translate them with the approach indicated before in UNIT 7 EXERCISE 1 (b) & (C).
1.- ¡Yaaaaahhhh! It is a word does not have translation because it is an expression that reflect happiness.
2.- ¡Cavalito! It could be like it fit about something.
3.- ¡Pucha! This word express when something it is not well
4.- Ch´allar It is a Quechua word we can understand like a andean custom to have prosperity.
5.- Chango It word refers when the person is not responsability about its actions.
6.- Macurca It word refers when someone do a lot of exercise and he feels pain in all his body.
7.- Una luca This expression refers to the money. It is one bolivian.
8.- Purisquiri This a Quechua word that it refers to person who likes walk.
9.- Pasanacu This is a method to safe money.
10.- Corcho We say this word when someone study very hard.
Always consider the possibility that an “untranslatable” word may simply be a word which you have not heard before. Try researching the word and how it is used in context of the source and target language.
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