jueves, 28 de octubre de 2021


 1.- In a newspaper or  magazine article of your own choosing, find and underline examples of verb + object clusters and of noun + adjective clusters

Forced Relocation Left Native Americans More Exposed to Climate Threats, Data Show

Tribal nations have lost 99 percent of their historical territory. Where they live now is more vulnerable to extreme weather, adding to the debate over how to address racial injustice.

WASHINGTON — Centuries of land loss and forced relocation have left Native Americans significantly more exposed to the effects of climate change, new data show, adding to the debate over how to address climate change and racial inequity in the United States.

The findings, which took seven years to compile and were published Thursday in the journal Science, mark the first time that researchers have been able to quantify on a large scale what Native Americans have long believed to be true: That European settlers, and later the United States government, pushed Indigenous peoples onto marginal lands.

“Historic land dispossession is a huge factor contributing to extreme climate change vulnerability for tribes,” said Kyle Whyte, one of the study’s authors, who is a University of Michigan professor and a member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation.

The new data comes as the United States suffers through increasingly severe heat waves, drought, wildfires and other disasters made worse by a warming planet. By demonstrating that government actions have made Native Americans more exposed to climate change, the authors argue, the data strengthens the case for trying to make up for that damage, however imperfectly.

2.- In a newspaper or  magazine article of your own choosing, find and underline examples of others kinds of word clusters that constitute units of meaning, such as idiomatic expressions, proverbs, clichés, figures of speech, stock phrases, phrases verbs.


[This page pulls together][ my most essential information about creativity]. I’ll share how creativity works, how to find your hidden creative genius, and [how to create meaningful work by learning ]how to make creative thinking a habit. I’ve tried to present the basics of everything you need to know to start mastering creativity, [even if you don’t have much time].

[At the end] of this page, you’ll find [a complete list of all the articles] I have written on creativity.

creative-processWhat is Creativity?

Let's define creativity.

The creative process is the act of making new connections between old ideas or recognizing relationships between concepts. Creative thinking is not about generating something new from a blank slate, [but rather about taking] what is already present and combining those bits and pieces [in a way that] has not been done previously.

While being creative isn't easy, [nearly all great ideas follow a similar creative process.] In 1940, an advertising executive named James Webb Young published a short guide titled, A Technique for Producing Ideas.

Young believed the process of creative connection always occurred in five steps.

a. Connect the verb with the appropiate object

exert          tribute

set                 efforts

frame            goals

pay            proposals 

1.- Exert efforts

2.- Pay tribute

3.- Frame proporsals

4.- Set goals

miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2021



We certify that the student CHIPUNAVI WESLEY VICTOR is a student of the  Mukden school, It is a elementary school, located in the Pando city. 

The student is coursing the first grade in the year 2017.  His code rude is 624800632045524 and these are his recods about the first bimester.


























The student aproved the most subjects, except in the  languajes and English  areas with 48. It is we can report about the student in honor of the truth.

lunes, 18 de octubre de 2021




Translate the following sentences, treating the verb + object cluster as a unit and finding an equivalent idiomatic unit of meaning in the target language. 

Example: Este cuadro idílico había sufrido una alteración. = That idyllic picture had undergone a change.

1. Los peligros por los que habían pasado impelieron a los romanos a construir templos.

The risks that had happened impelled the Romans to built temples.

2. La educación de la mente quedaba confiada a la familia.

The education of the mind was responsability of the family.

3. Esta extraña costumbre generó una serie de confusiones.

This strange custom caused some doubts.

·        4. Se les enseñaba que en el hogar la llama no debe extinguirse nunca.

T It taught them that at home the light never should not go out.

5. No se deben proferir improperios en este foro solemne.

It must not say insults in this solemn forum.


In the following excerpts from speeches, identify any clauses that can stand on their own. Then, translate each passage, placing the independent clauses in different positions in the sentence.

1. La perspectiva de multiplicación de tribunales ad hoc, con los consiguientes problemas que ello puede aparejar en cuanto a certeza jurídica, estabilidad, falta de uniformidad en el derecho aplicable, distinta jurisprudencia, e incremento de costos, sumado a la necesidad de dar una adecuada respuesta a problemas que crean situaciones de particular tensión internacional, despertaron la reacción de la opinión pública, otorgando al tema que hoy nos ocupa, renovada vigencia. (Statement by representative of Uruguay) 

With the consequent problems that this can affect  the prospect of multiplication of ad hoc tribunals, in terms of legal certainty, stability, lack of uniformity

in the applicable law, different jurisprudence, and increased costs, added to the need to provide a Adequate response to problems that create situations of particular international tension, aroused the reaction of public opinion, giving the issue that concerns us today, renewed validity. (Statement by representative of Uruguay)

2. Since it will to some extent involve a renunciation of sovereign rights, every state must of necessity proceed with caution and circumspection, subjecting its far-reaching provisions to an exacting scrutiny before jettisoning to some extent existing arrangements and procedures as to interstate cooperation and mutual assistance in this field and venturing on uncharted seas. (Statement by representative of Sri Lanka).

Cada estado debe necesariamente proceder con cautela y circunspección, ya que hasta cierto punto implicará una renuncia de los derechos soberanos,sometiendo sus disposiciones de largo alcance a un escrutinio riguroso antes de desechar en cierta medida los acuerdos y procedimientos existentes en materia de cooperación interestatal y asistencia mutua. en este campo y aventurarse en mares inexplorados. (Declaración del representante de Sri Lanka).



(a) How many different ways can you think of to translate the following Spanish expressions?:

- la convivencia: coexistence, living together, cohabitation, social harmony

- confianza: confidence, faith, trust

- la concertación: agreement, pact, negocitation

- estar acosado por: being harassed by, being intimidated by

- estrepitosamente:  spectacularly, noisily.

(b) Form a sentence with each expression above and then try to translate it by using different parts of speech, or figures of speech. 

1.- The coexistence between them were good..

2.- Living together at the same house is really hard.

3.- The lawyer give us a certificate of cohabitation.

4.- It is important for kinds to learn social harmony at school.

1.- I have confidence in my friends.

2.- She has faith in her future.

3.- This institution does not have trust on your workers.

1.- Yesterday it finished the agreement with the groups.

2.- They did a good pact.

3.- That factory did a negotiation of salaly with its workers.

1.- The actress is being harassed by the paparazzi.

2.- The employed is being intimidated by the boss.

1.- She failed spectacularly when she had victory in her grasp.

2.- He dropped the tray noisily.

(c) Form a sentence with each expression above and then try to translate it by a paraphrase. 

1.- The coexistence is very important to live well in different contexts.

2.- All the people need to feel confidence.

3.- Suggest agreements at work is important.

4.- It sometimes is good to be intimidated.

5.- The stock exchange fell spectacularly in the European market.


Make a list of 10 of the most “untranslatable” words or expressions you have heard or read, and try to translate them with the approach indicated before in UNIT 7 EXERCISE 1 (b) & (C). 

1.- ¡Yaaaaahhhh! It is a word does not have translation because it is an expression that reflect happiness.

2.- ¡Cavalito! It could be like it fit about something.

3.- ¡Pucha! This word express when something it is not well

4.- Ch´allar It is a Quechua word we can understand like a andean custom to have prosperity.

5.- Chango It word refers when the person is not responsability about its actions.

6.- Macurca It word refers when someone do a lot of exercise and he feels pain in all his body.

7.- Una luca This expression refers to the money. It is one bolivian.

8.- Purisquiri This a Quechua word that it refers to person who likes walk.

9.- Pasanacu This is a method to safe money.

10.- Corcho We say this word when someone study very hard.

Always consider the possibility that an “untranslatable” word may simply be a word which you have not heard before. Try researching the word and how it is used in context of the source and target language.

lunes, 11 de octubre de 2021

Advance grammar Structures

 Word clusters


At least 85 percent of the world’s population has been affected by human-induced

 climate change, new study shows.

Researchers used machine learning to analyze more than 100,000 studies 

of weather events and found four-fifths of the world’s land area has suffered 

impacts linked to global warming.experienced weather events

 made worse by climate change, according to research published Monday in
 the journal Nature Climate Change.

After using machine learning to analyze and map more than 100,000 studies of events that could
 be linked to global warming, researchers paired the analysis with a well-established data set 
of temperature and precipitation shifts caused by fossil fuel use and other sources of carbon emissions.

These combined findings — which focused on events such as crop failures, floods and 
heat waves — allowed scientists to make a solid link between escalating extremes and human activities. 
They concluded that global warming has affected 80 percent of the world’s land area.

“We have a huge evidence base now that documents how climate change is affecting our societies and 
our ecosystems,” said lead author Max Callaghan, a researcher at the Mercator Research Institute on Global 
Commons and Climate Change in Germany.

(The study provides hard numbers) ( to back up ) the lived experiences of people
 from New York City to South Sudan. “(Climate change),” Callaghan said,
 “is (visible and noticeable) almost everywhere in the world.”

miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2021

Sintax & compression

Las restricciones unilatelares y arbitrarias impuestas recientemente a mi país por distintos estados industrializados, sobre sus exportaciones de banano, flores y productos del mar, son clara muestra de que los esfuerzos nacionales que llevan adelante los países en desarrollo por diversificar sus exportaciones y fortalecer sus sectores más competitivos de sus economías, son insuficientes si se mantiene el actual entorno económico internacional, en especial si no se llevan acciones en favor de un reordenamiento de los mercados internacionales. Un reordenamiento de los mercados internacionales. Un reordenamiento de la acción de los organismos de Bretton Woods en la provisión de recursos adicionales y estables para los proyectos de desarrollo llevados adelante por los Estados y las agencias especializadas, sobre la base de directrices y políticas acordadas por la comunidad internacional en el ECOSOC, tras las consultas del caso, es una iniciativa que permitiría hacer frente a las exigencias de la magnitud que el momento requiere.

Idea principal

Los paises en desarrollo tiene desventajas en cuanto a políticas de exportación de sus recursos frente a otros paises. 

Main idea

Developing countries have disadvantages in terms of export policies for their resources compared to other countries.

Secondaries ideas

These countries  do not have the same oportunities than others contries  to export .

It is necessary analyze this reordening from internationals markets for this aspect to help  the developing countries.


A. Si bien la responsabilidad del gobierno por el primer aspecto de los compromisos asumidos en este importante acuerdo es casi exclusiva, no ocurre lo mismo con el segundo aspecto.

Although the responsibility of the government for the first aspect of the commitments assumed in this important agreement is almost exclusive, the same is not the case with the second aspect.

En lo que concierne a la responsabilidad del gobierno respecto al primer aspecto los compromisos asumidos son considerados exclusivos, no es lo mismo con el segundo aspecto.


sábado, 2 de octubre de 2021

Unit 3 Public speaking (Exercise 1)


          Unit 3 - Homework (Exercise 1)


 Monday, 4th 2021

Dear public official 

I am a citizen who lives in Oruro  and I am contacting you  because I consider is very important to pass a law in benefict of the animals.
This is: LAW PROHIBITING THE SALE OF ANIMALS IN THE ORURO CITY there are  many reasons to appoved this law. 

First there is not a good control in the markers, especially at the kantuta market, many kind of animals are for sale and they are in terrible situations, they are not in good conditions. The people who dedícate to sell animals are not careful.


On the other hand the animals are in small cages and the people do not give them meal or water. It’s a crime to make money at the expense of animal abuse and many of these animals  are purebred and they are exploited.
Therefore, is important this law to protect  these innocent beings of the abuse.

I look forward to hearing from you and  this law is being signed.


Yours sincerely, 


Margareth Callapa Mamani



Unit 3 Public speaking (exercise 2)

Unit 3 - Homework (Exercise 2)

What is the rol of the woman in society?


Currently the roles of the women into the society are many, some of these roles are: to be a professional, in the politic aspect, like a mother, wife or friend.

Each rol is daily challenge because are different contexts and realities and each of them have their specific time and dedication. But  what happen if the woman gives priority to any of them, in other words she wants to dedicate herself to the work and professional environment; leaving aside the desire to be mother and wife or otherwise.   How does society view this decision?

The most of people, especially the old people think that the women must form a family, they say "it is not good for a woman stay single" and this way of thinking, the women sometimes  make wrong decisions and irreversible consequences, the women must not carry a life to please others.

I think that the society must not  judge or criticize, they must  respect the decision of woman. They have  the freedom to make their decisions and looking for their happiness, likewise, their emotional and economic stability.




 1.- In a newspaper or  magazine article of your own choosing, find and underline examples of verb + object clusters and of noun + adjectiv...